Another extraordinary film I got to see this week is 'The Imitation Game', based on the real life story of mathematician Alan Turing, who helped cracking the Enigma code the Germans used to encrypt messages during World War 2. It's beautifully filmed and the entire cast is amazing. Benedict Cumberbatch plays his best role yet as the closeted gay genius Alan Turing. Besides the Enigma story the film also shows the disturbing narrow-minded morality at that time; homosexuality was illegal and women were not supposed to work with men. For a World War 2 related film about an interesting man like Alan Turing the film is quite simple and does not get into the different characters all that much - but that doesn't take away from the greatness of it and it certainly did not bother me.
'The Imitation Game' deservingly got nominated for 8 Oscars! Check out the trailer below: