The Grand Budapest Hotel

C the-grand-budapest-hotel-regia-wes-andersonI finally went to see the incredibly stylish 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' last night! And a world created by Wes Anderson, as you may know, is an obsessively detailed one of right angles and perfect colour combinations which I can't help but find absolutely irresistible. In this film the locations were brought to life by production designer Adam Stockhausen who previously worked on Anderson's 'The Darjeeling Limited' and 'Moonrise Kingdom'. If spontaneity is your thing 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' might not be for you but otherwise I'd say this film is a definite must-see. Clever storyline, an impressive cast and top notch cinematography. So, check IN now or check out the trailer here. Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 1 Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 3 Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 4 Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 5 Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 8 credit: and Fox Searchlight Pictures

Video: Paul McCartney - Queenie Eye

I have not been this obsessed with a music video since back when I actually still cared about music videos. Paul McCartney's 'Queenie Eye' is a fantastic uptempo song but it's this VIDEO that makes it even better. Filmed in Abbey Road studio and directed by Simon Aboud, this video is 4 minutes of things and people to get all kinds of excited about, with the highlight for me personally being Sir Paul McCartney wearing Birkenstocks while playing the piano. Also, Gary Barlow and Meryl Streep in one and the same clip!?! Consider me sold. - You can watch 'The Making Of Queenie Eye' here.
credit: youtube