Hello, October!

(H&M Studio blazer, Topshop top, AG Jeans jeans, Birkenstock sandals, Samantha Wills necklace and Ray-Ban sunglasses)

As much fun as I think it is, transitioning from summer into autumn can be quite tricky. Early in the morning it can be chilly and you may feel like throwing on a zillion and one layers, while later in the day this can seriously make you question your sanity as you're sweating your bum off in the warm autumn sun. It hasn't been cold enough to wear a winter coat yet but I would think that a woolen blazer at the end of september is a perfect in between solution. Not last Sunday though. It was still so warm! I decided to loosely hang the blazer over my shoulders because this casual weekend outfit simply would have been too dull without it. 

all images by Paul for Fash n Chips and Vogue NL