Start of June

So my little blogger's break went on a little longer than I had planned, but I had a busy week and found myself having no inspiration for posts whatsoever. But I'm back and I've made a few small changes to the blog, which is in my opinion just what every blog needs every once in a while. From now on things may be a little bit different around here and I may not post as often as I used to, but we'll see, ok? :) These pics were taken during these first few days of June, in which the weather went from warm and sunny to chilly and cloudy (and I'm loving it) I visited this cute little place/museum a few days ago, which is were I shot some of these pics.. Now I hope I can catch up on all my favourite blogs over the next few days and for now I'm wishing you all a lovely weekend!

images by me, pic 2 & 4 for Fash n Chips